Wraparound Care
Welcome to Wraparound Care.
Little Acorns Wraparound Care sessions are full of fun and games and the children enjoy exploring our indoor area and outdoor area. The Wraparound Care sessions are the perfect compliment to extend your children’s day after they have been to the school nursery class. Our session runs from 11:30am – 3pm, Monday to Friday during normal school term times. Children in these sessions are aged 3 -4 years.

Starting With Wraparound Care
Upon arrival your child will be welcomed and made to feel relaxed. They will be given the opportunity to partake in a wide range of activities from crafts, reading and board games to outdoor activities (Weather permitting). Our aim is to create a ‘Home from Home’ environment where your child will feel safe, relaxed and happy.
What To Bring
NAME LABELS – Please clearly label any items that you provide so that we can help towards the frustration of lost property and not getting things returned to their correct owner.
We would like to take this opportunity to ask if you could refrain from bringing toys and personal belongings into any of our sessions. We understand at times that children can become attached to toys on their journey to our setting but as you can imagine these can sometimes cause conflict when other children wish to look at them or show an interest. If these items do get to Little Acorns we are unable to take any responsibility of loss or damage.
In wet and cold weather please provide hats and gloves and a waterproof coat so that your child can still enjoy the experience of being outside in the colder months. Please make sure this is clearly labelled with your child’s name.
In warmer weather please apply sun cream at home before your child comes to school and make sure your child has a hat where possible and a water bottle, the children have access to drinking water throughout the day.
If your child has regular medication then please make sure that you talk it through with the Childcare Lead so that the appropriate medical form can be completed.

- PACKED LUNCHES – Children are welcome to bring packed lunches but please make sure these contain a healthy variety of foods. Items such as chocolate, sweets and crisps should be actively avoided. Children attending our Playgroup | Early Entitlement sessions much bring a packed lunch – children who attend the school Nursery class have the option of school dinners (see below). We ask that no nuts are provided in lunch boxes at any time and also we ask that foods such as grapes and cocktail sausage are sliced vertically so as to prevent a choking hazard.
- SCHOOL DINNERS (For children in the school nursery class only) – School dinners are served in accordance with the School menu on a 3 weekly rotation and in accordance with the Flintshire healthy school meals programme. Parents can select the children’s meal in advance via the School Gateway App or the Children will be asked to make their choice each morning in the School Nursery session from the daily options. Lunch is eaten either in the Kinnerton Little Acorns building or in the main school hall. Please email the school for prices and check the Newydd Facebook page for menu updates.
Little Acorns Wraparound Care operates during term time only (in line with Ysgol Derwen).
It is our policy to offer every session in full until 3pm.
All children will be collected from the end of their Nursery class in the school at 11:30am.
We plan activities and experiences for your child to attend every day that she/he is scheduled. If your child is going to absent, please contact us via Seesaw, our mobile phone or email on office@kinnertonlittleacorns.co.uk to report their absence.
Aims of our attendance policy
- To encourage regular attendance.
- For each child to attend the session until 3pm with pick up by a responsible adult known to our staff
- To work together with parents in order to plan attendance;
We will expect our parents/carers to:
- Provide up to date contact numbers and changes of address
- Notify Little Acorns Wraparound Care when their child is unable to attend, by 9.30am on the first day of the absence
- In cases of lengthy absence, inform the team of child’s expected return date
Little Acorns wraparound care is £17.50 per daily session (11:30am – 3pm). Fees can be paid either directly to Kinnerton Little Acorns or via the Free Childcare Hours Offer via Flintshire County Council for 3 & 4 year olds or via employer childcare voucher providers.
Fees are calculated on a half termly basis and will be emailed to you to your nominated email address as confirmed on the “Parent Portal” 10 days before the start of each half-term (in line with school term time). If you pay directly, payment is required before the start of each half-term (please see below for bank details). We ask that payment is received no later than 10 days into the half term. If payment is not received, we have the right to withdraw your contractual space.
Cancellation of sessions requires 4 weeks’ written notice during which time fees remain payable. Written notice can be provided by email to office@kinnertonlittleacorns.co.uk.
If your child is not attending a session for any reason ranging from illness, holiday, school trip etc, the fees remain payable.
We also accept payment through Tax-Free Childcare and other employer childcare voucher providers.
Please note that we do not accept payment via cash or cheque.
Bank details:
Bank: Natwest
Account Name: Kinnerton Little Acorns
Sort Code: 60-05-07
Account No: 2286 4660
Reference: Child’s Name
Flintshire Childcare Offer for 3 – 4 Year Olds (30 hours)
Please see the Flintshire County Council Website on the below should you need further information.
If you are eligible for the 30 hours free childcare, then please discard any emails which will automatically generate to chase for payment of your invoice.
The National Digital service allows us to claim for the childcare hours on a weekly basis and this will be confirmed to you each week when payment is received by us and then reconciled on your account.)”
Childcare Vouchers
We are currently registered for following Childcare Vouchers. This list is not exhaustive and if you wish to use any other provider please contact us.

Key Information
Opening Times
Breakfast Club
Mon-Fri: 7.45am – 9.00am (Term Time)
Early Entitlement | Playgroup
Mon-Fri: 9.00am – 11:25am (Term Time)
Wraparound Care
Mon-Fri: 11:30am – 3:00pm (Term Time)
Afterschool Club
Mon-Fri: 3.00pm – 5.55pm (Term Time)
Club Fees
Breakfast Club
£5 per session
Early Entitlement | Playgroup
£12.50 per session
Wraparound Care
£17.50 per session
Afterschool Club
£12 per session