Afterschool Club

Welcome to Little Acorns Afterschool Club...

We look forward to welcoming your children in the afternoons when we start our Afterschool Club at 3:00pm up until 5:55pm, Monday to Friday during school term times. We will ensure your child/ren are collected from their classroom at the end of the school day and we bring them to our building.

The Afterschool Club is run by a variety of our lovely staff and will be overseen by our Childcare Lead, Carol Rogan or by our supervisor Elaine Smith.

Children are encouraged to remove any coats and bags when they arrive and then to find a seat at our tables to be able to eat their snack. Children are provided is a snack which is served on a 3 weekly rotation together with a variety of fruit and vegetables.

Once the children have eaten their snack they are able to enjoy the variety of games, crafts, books etc that are available inside and outside our building. We encourage free play and the children enjoy having a choice of activities they wish to involve themselves in. We pride ourselves in providing a home-from-home environment where your children will feel safe, relaxed and happy. We try to be outdoors as much as possible when the weather allows so please provide sunhats and suncream in the warmers months and also ensure your child has a warm coat and hat for when the weather is colder.

If you wish to visit or require any further information please contact our Admin Manager on

Carol & Team

Key Information

Opening Times

Term Time 

Monday – Friday: 3pm – 5.55pm

Key Contact

Carol Rogan

Childcare Lead

Contact Number

Kinnerton Little Acorns Mobile

07594 265652/07934 279 288

Club Fees

Afterschool Club 

£12 per daily session

Your Commitment

The Afterschool Club operates Monday – Friday during term time only opening at 3:00pm – 5:55pm.

Fees are calculated on a half termly basis and will be emailed to you to your nominated email address as confirmed on the “Parent Portal” 10 days before the start of each half-term (in line with school term time). If you pay directly, payment is required before the start of each half-term (please see below for bank details). We ask that payment is received no later than 10 days into the half term. If payment is not received, we have the right to withdraw your contractual space.

Cancellation of sessions requires 4 weeks’ written notice during which time fees remain payable. Written notice can be provided by email to

If your child is not attending a session for any reason ranging from illness, holiday, school trip etc, the fees remain payable. Please contact a member of the team to confirm any absence on 07594 265652 or via email to

If you do not pay your invoices in the timeframes set-out above, we reserve the right to withdraw your child’s space from Kinnerton Little Acorns until a time where your balance is paid in full. Please note that should your space be withdrawn there is no guarantee that it will still be available due to waiting lists for spaces.

Booking Types

Contractual bookings are guaranteed and will continue to run through each booking period (unless varied or cancelled). You can request a contracted place by contacting the Administrative Manager on or via a “Contract Request” on the Parent Portal.

Ad-hoc bookings may be available on a “First Come First Served” basis and can be booked via the Parent Portal up to 48 hours before the start of the required session. If you need to enquire about a session within 48 hours of the session commencing, please contact the Admin Manager on or the relevant Childcare Lead on 07594 265 652.

Registering Your Child

The Afterschool Club operates on a first-come, first-served basis – to register your interest please complete the Application Form and clearly indicate the sessions you wish to book and we will do our best to accommodate you.

Payment Information

Invoices are raised and issued 10 days before the start of the half term and will be emailed to your nominated email address.

Payment is required before the start of the half term. If payment is not received by the start of the school term/half-term, you will have a further 10 days in which to ensure payment is received by us otherwise we reserve the right to withdraw the space at Kinnerton Little Acorns.

Any bookings made “Ad Hoc” either online or via contacting us at Kinnerton Little Acorns will need to be made at the time of booking or no later than 24 hours after the booking is confirmed.

Bank details:

Bank                     Natwest

Account Name Kinnerton Little Acorns

Sort Code           60-05-07

Account No.      2286 4660

Reference         Child’s Name

Please note that we do not accept payment via cash or cheque.

We also accept payment through Tax-Free Childcare and other employer childcare voucher providers.

If you have any queries please contact the Administrative Manager

Childcare Vouchers

We are currently registered for following Childcare Vouchers. This list is not exhaustive and if you wish to use any other provider please contact us.

Key Information

Opening Times

Breakfast Club
Mon-Fri: 7.45am – 9.00am (Term Time)

Early Entitlement | Playgroup
Mon-Fri: 9.00am – 11:25am (Term Time)

Little Acorns Wraparound Care
Mon-Fri: 11:30am – 3:00pm (Term Time)

Afterschool Club 
Mon-Fri: 3.00pm – 5.55pm  (Term Time)

Club Fees

Breakfast Club
£5 per session

Early Entitlement | Playgroup
£12.50 per session

Little Acorns Wraparound
£17.50 per session

Afterschool Club
£12 per session

Key Contact Details


Carol Rogan  – Childcare Lead (Breakfast/Afterschool Club)

Bethan Waite – Childcare Lead (Playgroup/Wraparound Care)

Kayleigh Ho – Admin Manager

Telephone Number:

07594 265 652 | 07934 279 288